EC4U Blog

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An overheating laptop has caused a huge family house fire

An overheating laptop that was left charging on a bed has burnt down the majority of a family’s home along with all of their possessions. Mary Disley, aged 33 and mother of two, was having an ordinary night watching coronation street when she heard the smoke alarm go off. Immediately, Mary ran upstairs to find […]

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Two Electricians fined in Newbury – The Importance of Getting Registered

Two Newbury electricians are having to pay £3,000 between them for deceiving a customer over notifiable electrical work. The case against them was brought to the Reading magistrates court on Monday 8th September 2014 after an investigation by West Berkshire Council trading standards officers. They found that Aaron Howe, aged 31, and Jamie Warren, aged […]

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Having a Google friendly website to excel your business

Now we have discovered why it’s crucial to have a website as a soletrader, it’s important to discover the huge opportunities available to you by creating a website that’s easily reachable on search engines, and in particular, Google. The reason I say Google opposed to Bing or Yahoo for example, is because Google currently represents […]

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Why it’s crucial to have a website as a Sole Trader

Becoming a sole trader is an extremely exciting, but also scary move. Working for yourself is a very appealing trait to have in life, but you need to make sure you do it correctly. Having a website can be compared to a shop window, for a start you have to have one or nobody will […]

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EU plans to ban some Wifi Routers, Electrical Kettles and…

The EU is planning to ban some high energy, electrical appliances, in follow-up to controversial ban on powerful vacuum cleaners. There are nearly 30 electrical appliances that could be covered by the EU’s Ecodesign directive outlawing high-wattage devices in order to meet EU energy consumption targets set by European Officials. Some of these electrical appliances […]

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