EC4U Blog

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How to organise your cable clutter

From televisions to smartphones, electronic devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, and with that comes a seemingly endless supply of cables. Whether for charging mobile devices or powering electrical equipment, we’re all guilty of hoarding cable clutter However, there are right and wrong ways to store cables, and plenty of reasons […]

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1 in 2 electrician companies cannot find enough workers

The skills shortage in trade sectors continues to put pressure on UK businesses, with many simply unable to find enough workers. In the electrical industry, as demand continues to rise and the skills gap continues to widen, many businesses are having to turn away work. Let’s take a look at what’s causing the shortage of […]

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Why parents want their children to choose a career in the trades

For many years, the most desirable careers have been prestigious roles such as doctor, lawyer or dentist, with children being encouraged to study at university to unlock higher-paying positions. However, new research from shows that parents are now hoping for a career in the trades for their children. found that 15% of parents […]

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Are electric vehicles too heavy for multi-storey car parks?

The rise in electric vehicles (EVs) over the past few years is a positive step towards reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and minimising the carbon footprint associated with travel and commuting. However, with more and more EVs on the road, there are important infrastructure adaptations that need to be taken into consideration. Some of […]

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Giant heat pumps: A new heating alternative?

As the world continues to work towards adopting cleaner, more sustainable methods of generating electricity, we’ve seen a surge in the development of new technologies. Giant heat pumps are one of the more recent additions to the renewable energy arsenal, providing heat on a huge scale. So what exactly are giant heat pumps, how do […]

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