EC4U Blog

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Mobile apps for busy tradespeople

We have previously covered a wide variety of mobile apps for electricians, comparing some of the leading apps on the market so you can find the best one to suit your business. Now we are taking the winners from those categories and including some of the most important mobile apps to help you stay organised […]

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Future renewable energy solutions for your home

We are entering a smart home generation, where the aim is to reduce our carbon footprint and make our homes as eco friendly and self sufficient as possible. Renewable energy sources for the domestic home is growing beyond bulky solar panels, and moving into specially designed turbines and discreet solar tiles and panels. We are […]

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#noVANber petition to put an end to tool theft

If you’ve ever been a victim of tool theft, you will know that the time out of work can be costly and, if you have tool insurance, the claims process can be long. For some without insurance, it can even mean the loss of income and being forced to stop working. The current punishment for […]

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Case Study: Dan

Dan recently completed a series of our courses, starting with Part P, 18th Edition, Level 2 Inspection and Testing, before finishing with the EAL Level 3 Package. “I own a company and we currently outsource a lot of the electrical work” Dan says. “I already had a good knowledge of electrics before coming onto the […]

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Electric Heating for your Home

The majority of the UK use gas fired central heating to warm their homes. 2.2 million of us, however, use electricity as the primary means of warming our homes. There are several different types of electric heating available. We’re going to take a quick look at some of them and the pros and cons of […]

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